Shintaro Kago, the acclaimed manga artist, debuts "Ero Guro," a sequence of monthly animations that delve into the surreal symbolism beneath the surface of Japanese society. Each installment, curated by, is a foray into the untapped potential of animation, expanding the scope of manga into the realm of media art.
This collection, comprising 12 animations, presents an unparalleled opportunity for collectors to acquire pivotal works from Kago's ongoing exploration of media art. With each month, a new limited edition animation is released, allowing connoisseurs to possess pieces from one of Japan's most influential manga artists.
Ownership includes exclusive access to the Shintaro Kago channel within the SHDW Discord, a portal for substantive interaction with Kago. Here, collectors are granted preferential options for upcoming editions and prints, and exclusive content tailored for the community of media art collectors.
Anticipate a monthly unveiling of the extraordinary, channelled through Shintaro Kago’s distinct narrative and artistic prowess. This series celebrates the evolving journey of manga, navigating into the unexplored domains of art and expression. Where will Kago take this collection next? What depths of surrealism and bizarreness await? We are just as intrigued to discover as you are.